Friday, December 28, 2007

What is wrong with this picture?

Look at this picture. Please tell me I am not the only one who sees something seriously wrong going on here.

And this one. Look at it closely. There is something seriously amiss. Can Catholic schools have changed that much in the past 15 years?

Do the parents know these girls leave the house dressed like this? Obviously the school does and allows it, even when they are meeting the Archbishop!

I taught in the public schools and honestly, I don't think girls are allowed to wear skirts that short in public schools. I think it is very sad that these girls have noone to guide them in proper attire.


Carol said...

I thought there was a dress code for the length of the skirt also. I too am disappointed with what I see. Carol

Carol said...
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Leticia said...

I'm not shocked, this is one of the reasons we have been avoiding Catholic school for our girls. Pants would be more modest than those mini-skirts,and if you confront the girls, they just stare at you, mystified. It's not their fault.It's their mothers'.
They've never heard the word 'modesty' before!

Labella said...

I'll bet the girls rolled their skirts up at the waist.