Sunday, November 18, 2007

Field Trip!

Our first *official* field trip was a huge success! C. had seen a PBS show about an Italian sculptor, Bernini (I think?) and had really wanted to see some sculpture at a "real" art museum. So I took advantage of the free passes at the library and off we went to the Worcester Art Museum.

I was a bit nervous about G. - visions of toppled 1000-year-old statues smashed on the floor and greasy fingerprints smearing a priceless Monet danced in my head - but all for nothing as he was perfectly behaved and enjoyed viewing the sculptures and paintings.

Carmella loved the Roman statues and the replica of the Benedictine monastery. They both loved Alexander Ross's 'Untitled' installation.

We had a lovely "fancy" lunch at the cafe and came home where they both painted their versions of Ross's 'Untitled" which now adorn our classroom.

We now have a long list of field trips on the horizon: The Higgins Armory Museum, The Museum of Science, the Mariposa Museum, The Boston Museum of Fine ARts, and a special request to find a candy factory to visit!


SiewlengH said...

Don't forget the Ecotarium and the library has passes. Have fun!

Levi said...

Sounds like a great time!! Hebert's Candies in Shrewsbury does candy factory tours. We did one a LONG time ago and it was great.

catherine said...

Thanks for the tips!