Friday, November 16, 2007

Solo blogging

One thing I have learned during my long absence is that I can't read other people's blogs, especially homeschoolers. It makes me feel completely inadequate. A lazy, bewildered underacheiver.

I think it was the blog of the homeschooling mom who knit all sorts of crafts for her kids, felted all their toys, cooked all their meals from scratch and her kids were doing all sorts of creative activities while mine were watching t.v. that put me over the edge.

I have good intentions, of course, but I always feel I am falling short of the mark. All of these blogs of the perfect homeschooling families always make me feel like crud and feed into my rampant insecurities.

So for now I will be content to just find my way without reading other mamas blogs, but feel free to read mine :) and maybe offer some encouragement as I blindly climb through uncharted territory, trying to be the best me I can be.


Anonymous said...

Hi, just wanted to say you are not alone in feeling like this. I feel like I fall short most of the time too when I read how wonderful and prodigious all these 'other' HS kids are.

Anne said...

Don't feel inadequate. We are all called to walk our paths that God set before us. The trick to reading other blogs is to see if it is 'practical' in your home or not. Be happy for that blogger who has the time, talent and the where-with-all to do all those lovely things that you long to do. Maybe take her inspiration and think what can I do differently today, and try that. This life is not a competition but our own personal marathon to live faith-filled lives, striving to be the person God wants us to be and helping to bring everyone we meet to heaven (including yourself!)