Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Year in Review

Here is my Top 10 list of 2007:

Best vacation: Texas y'all! Uncle Mark and Auntie Liz showed us a yee-hawin' good time and we loved every minute of it. Best of all, C. learned to swim!

Best summertime fun: Cape Cod at Grammy and Papa's house. Swimming in the ocean, swimming in the ocean, and more swimming in the ocean!

Best new Christmas tradition: The Living Nativity at the Lutheran Church - definitely something to look forward to every year.

Best Decision: Homeschooling! I feel so happy to be able to be doing something so meaningful - and relieved that it is going so well!

Best Fall memories: jumping in the leaves, going applepicking, making caramel apples

Best Thing of the Year for George: Preschool! George was nervous at first, but by the end of the first day he was so happy. He has made wonderful new friends and loves Christy, his wonderful teacher. He is learning so much and is so proud, especially about being able to write his name.

Best Thing of the Year for Carmella: She couldn't choose just one, so she chose learning to read and learning to swim. Huge accomplishments that will lead to so many more.

Best Thing I did for Myself: A vacation to see Sam in England. A 4-day respite from the daily grind, time completely for myself, time to see my best friend's beautiful city, her lovely home(s), and her glamourous friends. Brighton is absolutely fantastic, I highly recommend it to anyone going to England. 

Best Thing We have done as a Family: Finding a Church that we like (I'm not entirely convinced we will stay there but it is fine for now) and attending mass every week. Incorporating our faith into our daily lives is truly enriching our family life.

And the best thing about 2007: Being continually committed to each other, living a simple happy life, enjoying the little things, trying not to worry too much about the big things, loving, laughing, and growing together. Let's hope 2008 is just as wonderful!

How about you? What's in your Top Ten of 2007?

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